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Beijing Ikangtai Technology Co., Ltd.

"Ovulation Test Strip" and Tracking "cervical Mucus and Basal Body Temperature", Which One is More Accurate?

Shecare company wants to help you figure out which method can more accurately find the "fertile window period", "ovulation detection test" and "tracking and recording basal body temperature and cervical mucus". It may be more convenient for you to use ovulation test strips than chart data. ovulation detection tests can of course be used to detect when you are about to ovulate, but the test strips can sometimes give false positives and mislead you, and you should not rely on this alone to determine your fertile period.

1. Ovulation detection tests

One problem is that OPK ovulation test strips can tell you that you might be ovulating, but they can't tell if you're actually ovulating. There are many examples of a woman who really looks like she's about to ovulate from her ovulation test results, but she doesn't ovulate. Some women experience a falsely small spike in LH production before the actual spike (LH hormones are released in large quantities just before ovulation, so ovulation detection tests them in the urine). Women with PCOS, in particular, produce large amounts of luteinizing hormone even if they don't ovulate. Women over the age of 40 also have high levels of luteinizing hormone, which increases the risk of false positives on ovulation test strips.

Ovulation detection tests can also give false negatives. If a woman has a high LH secretion for less than 10 hours, but she is only tested once a day, she is likely to miss the LH secretion and therefore think she is not ovulating. Or, her body can't produce enough LH for the dipstick to recognize it, even though she does ovulate.

Certain medications can make ovulation test strips ineffective. This includes most fertility-related medications (especially those containing LH, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), or human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)), certain antibiotics, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Finally, an ovulation test result that shows ovulation has occurred does not mean this is the best time to conceive, if there is no fertilization-friendly cervical fluid in the vagina, the sperm will stall and you will not be able to conceive.

2. Cervical mucus and basal body temperature

If you're trying to get pregnant, the most important things to focus on are your cervical mucus (so you know when you're likely to get pregnant), and your basal body temperature (it can help you confirm that ovulation has occurred). Remember, the best time to get pregnant is before ovulation - egg white or watery cervical fluid will give you a hint. Your body temperature will tell you when you have ovulated after you ovulate. Shecare smart basal thermometer is your best choice.

Having said that, we understand that ovulation detection tests can be used as an aid to confirm your fertile window period, and are more useful for women who have begun to record basal body temperature charts and learn how to interpret their own physiological information (cervical mucus). So, I'm not advising you not to use ovulation detection tests - ovulation detection tests are very good, but it should be combined with basal body temperature and cervical mucus.

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