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Introduction to Basal Body Temperature Chart in Menstrual Disorder Series

Monthly menstruation is an indicator of whether a woman's reproductive endocrine system is functioning normally. If you experience irregular menstruation, you should consider whether there is an abnormality in your reproductive endocrine system. The basal body temperature chart is a good method of detection, as a basal body thermometer with app can be used without needing to constantly visit the hospital.

Principle of basal body temperature

The temperature of a woman's body is influenced by the neuroendocrine system. The periodic secretion of hormones by the female ovaries can be reflected in changes in basal body temperature. The central regulation of temperature is very sensitive to progesterone, and after ovulation the follicles secrete progesterone, causing a rise of approximately 0.5 ℃ in the basal body temperature, which is sustained for about 14 days and is referred to as the high temperature phase.

Relatively speaking, the temperature before ovulation is called the low temperature phase. Therefore, "double-phase type" is the typical temperature variation seen in a normal menstruation cycle with ovulation, and "single-phase type" refers to a non-ovulation cycle with no temperature rise detected. Based on basal body temperature, we can preliminarily determine whether a woman is ovulating or not, and whether her luteal function is normal or not. Let Shecare China digital body thermometer supplier summary for you.

Suitable population for basal body temperature chart

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Symptoms include obesity, teenage acne, dense hair, and abnormal glucose and lipid metabolism. Menstrual cycles are often delayed and non-ovulatory, reflected as either a short high temperature phase or constantly low temperature. Measuring basal body temperature can help determine if a menstrual period has occurred.

Poor ovarian function

For those with insufficient luteal function, the high temperature phase is often shortened, causing a shortening of the menstrual period cycle. The original 28-day period may slowly decrease to about 22 days.

Fertility assistance

When a woman's menstruation arrives, the basal body temperature is at a low temperature; after ovulation, the basal body temperature will turn into a high temperature. Generally speaking, the probability of successful fertilization is lower than usual within the first 24 hours after ovulation; however, male sperm can survive in a woman's uterus for approximately 72 hours. Therefore, when a woman's basal body temperature is at a low temperature and close to her ovulation period, she should engage in sexual activity to increase the chance of fertilization. Waiting for the basal body temperature to reach a high temperature before engaging in sexual activity will reduce the chance of pregnancy.

Birth control

A high temperature phase in the basal body temperature indicates a safe period (a period of low probability of pregnancy) while a low temperature phase is a period of risk (a period when pregnancy is more likely). Therefore, for young women with good ovarian function, the risk period may start 3-5 days before ovulation.

How to measure basal body temperature?

  • Purchase a basal body temperature thermometer specifically designed for women (do not use a regular mercury thermometer) and place it beside your pillow before bedtime.

  • Ensure 6-8 hours of sufficient sleep at night, and measure your temperature immediately upon waking up in the morning. Do not get up to go to the toilet, speak, or have breakfast, etc. since physical activity can cause a noticeable rise in body temperature, leading to an inaccurate measurement.

  • Place the basal body temperature thermometer in the mouth and measure for 5 minutes, recording the temperature on the chart provided below.

  • Measure at a fixed time each day and in a fixed location.

  • If you fall ill, such as with a cold, fever, or diarrhea, the condition may affect your body temperature. You should mark it on the chart.

  • Starting from the 5th day of menstruation, mark each day's measured temperature using a "•" symbol and connect the dots with lines to draw the basal body temperature curve.

  • Consistency is essential when measuring basal body temperature, and two to three complete menstrual cycles' worth of data are needed to identify any issues.

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